ERP Armor: Rules

Think of our rules as your comprehensive measuring stick—developed to capture the complexities of today’s ERP landscapes.

At ERP Risk Advisors, we understand that the backbone of a secure SaaS ERP/HCM system lies in stringent Segregation of Duties (SoD) and Sensitive Access (SA) controls. Rules are the essential defenses that explain which functions should not coexist within a single role or stacking of roles. Their primary purpose is to prevent the consolidation of access that could lead to a conflict of interest or, more critically, elevate the risk of fraud.

We equip our clients with an extensive, up-to-date library of SoD and SA rules, casting a wide net to ensure nothing slips through the cracks. This allows your team to concentrate on what matters most: customizing these rules to fit your unique business model and ensuring both security and compliance are seamlessly integrated into your operations.  Developing and maintaining an intricate matrix of risk content, including Segregation of Duties (SoD) and Sensitive Access (SA) rules, can be a burdensome task for any organization. By outsourcing this critical function to us, you leverage our expertise and resources. 


Whether it’s receiving risk content updates in tandem with your software provider's release cycle, or engaging with our advanced managed services, we ensure your risk content is consistently up-to-date and reflective of the latest patches and releases. Allowing you to pinpoint, oversee, and alleviate risks associated with fraud, compliance, cybersecurity, data security, and operational challenges.


  • If you do, then you should ask yourself if their default rulesets are sufficient?
  • We’ve observed a common gap in the market where most software providers’ default SoD/SA rulesets fall short of adequately mitigating risks and ensuring audit compliance. With ERP Armor: Rules, you gain access to a comprehensive subscription service which complements any IGA/PAM/Access Control software with a SoD/SA scanning engine. We provide detailed release notes, empowering you to maintain and update your rules internally with the utmost precision.

For those yet to license access control software, we guide you in finding the right partner(s) when the moment is right, ensuring you have the tools to address fraud, compliance, cybersecurity, and data security risks comprehensively.

  • We hope so! ERP Risk Advisors steps in to fill the breach, offering a robust ruleset tailored to address the specific risk nuances of your business operations and compliance requirements. Enhance your existing SoD/SA Software tool with our Risk Content to provide you with the solution to managing your highest ERP risk. With ERP Armor: Rules, you gain access to a comprehensive subscription service which complements any IGA/PAM/Access Control software with a SoD/SA scanning engine. We provide detailed release notes, empowering you to maintain and update your rules internally with the utmost precision.

For those seeking steadfast stability and continual alignment with evolving security standards, our managed service contracts are the perfect solution. Managed by a team of US-based professionals who boast high qualifications and credentials, we ensure your access control software is impeccably managed, with regular updates to keep your ruleset sharp. As we partner with you over time, we aim to mature your application security program across multiple dimensions, including:

  • Tailored Role Design
  • Streamlined Provisioning
  • Thorough User Access Reviews and Re-Certifications
  • Effective Role Change Management
  • Detailed Patch Change Management
  • Development Change Management
  • Proactive Cyber Incident Risk Analysis
  • Independent Testing of Control Performers
  • Rigorous Lookback Procedures

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ERP Armor: Rules Edition

ERP Armor Systems Supported Update

ERP Risk Advisors is pleased to announce the addition of three new ERP systems to our ERP Armo...

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